Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gone Fishing...
Matt's work summer party was tonight at the Cold Springs Trout Farm in North Ogden. The kids had so much fun fishing!! Brennick caught 2 after a long time trying, it seemed like every time he would get one it would wiggle its way off I think he was getting a little frustrated. Hudson our little fisherman had no problem and caught 3, but one got did get off. And for Emmerson she just wanted to get in the water and swim with the fish,but the bucket did keep her attention watching them flip around and she would even put her hand in and touch the fish. Matt did catch one on accident when he was trying to help the boys Ops.. After all we caught 5 fish and they were so proud of themselves. Thanks Kitmund Electric for a fun night ...

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Thats an awesome idea to have a family blog. I wish my parents had one...i d love to read))

