Saturday, May 8, 2010

SiCk AgAiN...

So Hudson is sick again!!! POOR GUY... We had a follow up apt on Wednesday and everything look good and right on track, so we started to wen him off all his medications. Everything was going good until Friday he started to have a hard time breathing and weezing and later that night he spiked a fever so up to the doctors we went.... When he was checked his temp was 103.4 and the little guy was miserable, they did a chest x-ray (looked good), tested his blood (nothing yet), a pee test(was normal) and swabbed his throat (was negative). A little frustrated about all of this, I just wish we could just get him better!!! It has been Tylenol, Motrin and breathing treatments for the last 24 hours and he went back on his medications so cross your fingers it only gets better from here on out.... Sorry buddy you have to be sick again!!!

We were trying everything to break his FEVER...
Even Emmie was trying to help such a sweet girl she loves her brother!!!

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